Our unique process consists of 6 steps:

  • Characterization
  • Physical treatment
  • Chemical treatment
  • Precipitation
  • Stabilization
  • Placement

Pre-acceptance characterization

From laboratory analyses, we draw up a profile of the chemical and physical properties of the residue, allowing us to validate its admissibility and a specific treatment.

Physical treatment

Hazardous materials come in different forms.  If necessary, their size must be reduced by grinding or shredding.  This process helps the release of contaminants, thus enabling the chemical reactants to work more efficiently.

Chemical treatment

Then, a specific chemical treatment (oxidation, reduction, neutralization) is applied to minimize the chemical activity existing in the residue.


This phase reduces the toxicity of the residue by making the contaminants insoluble through precipitation. The subsequent effectiveness of stabilization and fixation depends on this step.

Stabilization and fixation

The addition of raw materials to pre-treated residues creates a matrix that stabilizes the previously deactivated and precipitated elements. The resulting compound, called the stablex product, is environmentally stable.

Placement and solidification

Stablex is deposited in specially designed placement cells to minimize the possibility of environmental contamination. When cured, stablex has a compressive strength comparable to that of lightweight concrete. Finally, the placement cell is covered for added environmental protection.